“A wise person learns from others experiences, whereas sometimes we learn from our own mistakes.”
Greetings All,
I hope you all are doing well. Was there ever a point in your life when you had to decide on choice, however, you were stuck in the middle only to be left there picking yourself wondering what happened? Yes I am quite sure most of us have been put into a situation before where we were indecisive about something or someone only for the something to pass you up or someone make the decision for you. When you allow someone to take your power, it can make you feel powerless.
We have to be careful with our mind, body, energy and soul because if you are indecisive, you may attract others who are just as indecisive who will not give you a straight answer. Being indecisive can be one of your worst enemies.
Sometimes The Most High and Son can put someone in front of us who mirror our exact same actions or thoughts to remind us that we maybe doing the same things to others who may feel a certain way we may not always take into consideration.
We have to be cognizant of our own experiences.
It’s okay to say yes. Its okay to say no sometimes. Its okay to change your mind later. You can’t please everyone let alone beat around the bush because you can say “No” at this present time and maybe later revisit the situation later with a yes. Opportunities will come and go. It’s up to us to decide on what opportunities we say “Yes or No” too. Be strong, firm, confident, and powerful in your choices you make in life.
What you say is power and your actions are power. Our Tongue and Actions can speak or show life or death, positive or negative.
One of our responsibilities in life is too experience life and share our experiences with others.
As a wanderlust, I will work towards leaving the baggage behind. I will turn the baggage into personal experiences I can share with others.
In closing, Remember that only you can control your own power. Do not allow anyone else to take it from you or make the decision for you. Feel free to stand by your “yes or no” answer. People will respect you more for being upfront with them vs being indecisive.
It’s okay if you have to think about your answer, however, understand the pros, cons to the situation, make a choice.