What does Bone Thugs-N-Harmony have to do with success? Check out this blog as I expose a reason for their success.
Strong People Will Elevate You To Do Better
This Blog entry explains and illustrates that you need an assertive push in life sometimes.
No Photos In the Closet
No Photos In The Closet.
This blog is a small but detailed introduction to who is DStewy DSoul.
Local Lives Columbus GA Public Library-Christian Ortiz
The Columbus Ga Public Library host Local Lives that highlights local people and their businesses. Christian Ortiz is a professional photographer, musician and is the founder of Our City of Fountains, which documents local residents’ life experiences.
Nova She Wrote | Circa Craft Cocktails, Columbus, GA
Greetings All,
Hope everyone is doing well on this Sunday. I meant to do a post about this young lady a while back, however, at the time, I was dealing with something personal at the time which didn’t allow me to write about her.
Anyway I believe this is the appropriate time to speak about her.
Meet Syenovia Lesesne.
Syenovia is an Author 📚, Encourager 🖤, Positive Content Pusher🤲🏽, and also known as the girl behind the sticky notes. She’s a mother of two wonderful children, a bank professional, and a beautiful soul with her fair share of life experiences. She reached out to me earlier in the year to setup a photo shoot. It turns out she was also doing book launch in March. I figure it would be a great time to meet and support her during her endeavor. I also happen to capture a few images of her book launch. It also turns out she’s quite a down to earth and sweet individual. It was a awesome experience to be apart of her book launch. It was also a pleasure to meet her. I hope that I am afforded the opportunity to see and photograph her again in the future.
Please enjoy the images I capture of her during her book launch, check out her official website and follow her on Instagram.
Official Website: www.novashewrote.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nova_she_wrote/
Mr. & Mrs. Grissett's Baby Shower
Greetings All,
Hope you are doing well for your Friday. I must say on this particular day, I reflected on a day 6 years ago, when I did my first baby shower. I haven’t done a baby shower photo session since. About a month or two ago, Mrs. Grissett contacted me in regards to photographing her baby shower. I was quite honored that she and Mr. Grissett chose me to photograph their baby shower considering that I haven’t photographed a baby shower in 6 years. As it turns out, the experience of being around a family who’s welcoming, fun to be around, and to discover the gender of their first child was quite an amazing time. The family members wore the colors blue to represent a boy or pink to represent a girl.
Mr. & Mrs. Grissett will be welcoming a baby boy on September 11.
Below are the images of this awesome day. I hope you all enjoy them and the weekend ahead.
A new life means being able to pass on your legacy to your children. We must be able to teach and show them the errors of our ways and guide them down this path in life.
Please click on the photo for best quality.
Greetings All,
I hope everyone is doing well mind, body, and soul. Today is a good day to keep speak on “Words”.
Words are powerful.
They can fuel us with knowledge or weaken our spirits. Our tongues are as sharp as a sword. We have to know when and when not to cut people with it.
Our words can lead people into a path of righteous or lead them astray.
We have to be sure of what to say and how we are saying our words too people, because the last thing we want to do whether it be intentional or not is to lead people down the wrong path with our words.
We must be extremely careful of what we say to people on social media as well. We can say all day, oh it’s just words behind a screen, they don’t have a meaning or emotion behind them. Well that can be true for some people, however, others may not take it lightly, perhaps take offense to our words or hurt them.
In closing, we have to think about what we are going to say before we say it. You never know what you say will either uplift or lead someone astray.
Our words can either feed someone positive thoughts to get through the day or negative energy that can hinder someone.
Uplifting Black Women Over 40
Turning 40 is a milestone in life. It’s a point in one’s life that they have to begin to put away childish things and close the book on old chapters in their lives. For black women, it should be a time to celebrate and begin a new journey in life. As they say, “40 is the new 20.” We see black celebrities over 40 all the time. Today is a day where I showcase everyday black women, our unsung women of power. They are the Real Jewels of Royalty. What better way to celebrate this milestone and to show people that I truly appreciate you all?
The images that you see are beautiful black women that’s at least 40 years of wisdom and up. These are various women I’ve photographed over the past few years in my journey (Please click on the photo for best quality).
I have learned a lot from these ladies. I am also inspired to take this blog entry into a different direction:
Today I am starting a Photo Series for Black Women over 40 entitled:
The goal is to show that women over 40 are just as vibrant, beautiful, and age like fine wine. The saying goes that Black don’t crack. I want to be able to show black women in a positive light in a series of powerful portraits/showing off their personalities. Black women are the trendsetters and every other woman on the planet wants your body, hair, etc. We are unique people and you are beautiful black women. We are perhaps the most imitated people in the world. The end game is to show off black women's uniqueness and print out the best photo or two and be able to share it in a gallery one day. You do not have to be a model. I ask that you block out at least 1-2 hrs of your time for the session. We can conduct the session indoor or outdoor. Make sure you are prepared to shine and show off your beautiful spirit.
If you are interested in partaking in this campaign, please feel free to email me. In addition, you will receive 10 photos from the shoot for participating.
In Closing, We need to continue to always strive to help and uplift each other daily. When you see a woman of color over 40, please inform her that you appreciate her.
Actions Speak Louder than Words Sometimes
“A wise person learns from others experiences, whereas sometimes we learn from our own mistakes.”
Greetings All,
I hope you all are doing well. Was there ever a point in your life when you had to decide on choice, however, you were stuck in the middle only to be left there picking yourself wondering what happened? Yes I am quite sure most of us have been put into a situation before where we were indecisive about something or someone only for the something to pass you up or someone make the decision for you. When you allow someone to take your power, it can make you feel powerless.
We have to be careful with our mind, body, energy and soul because if you are indecisive, you may attract others who are just as indecisive who will not give you a straight answer. Being indecisive can be one of your worst enemies.
Sometimes The Most High and Son can put someone in front of us who mirror our exact same actions or thoughts to remind us that we maybe doing the same things to others who may feel a certain way we may not always take into consideration.
We have to be cognizant of our own experiences.
It’s okay to say yes. Its okay to say no sometimes. Its okay to change your mind later. You can’t please everyone let alone beat around the bush because you can say “No” at this present time and maybe later revisit the situation later with a yes. Opportunities will come and go. It’s up to us to decide on what opportunities we say “Yes or No” too. Be strong, firm, confident, and powerful in your choices you make in life.
What you say is power and your actions are power. Our Tongue and Actions can speak or show life or death, positive or negative.
One of our responsibilities in life is too experience life and share our experiences with others.
As a wanderlust, I will work towards leaving the baggage behind. I will turn the baggage into personal experiences I can share with others.
In closing, Remember that only you can control your own power. Do not allow anyone else to take it from you or make the decision for you. Feel free to stand by your “yes or no” answer. People will respect you more for being upfront with them vs being indecisive.
It’s okay if you have to think about your answer, however, understand the pros, cons to the situation, make a choice.
7: The Beginning of a New Life
Greetings All,
I hope all is well and you are having a good weekend so far. I am not much of a person who can share my personal life outside of my work, however, today I will do something different. This post will not intentionally depress you as my goal is for you to leave this post feeling good about life.
November for me, is a month that I have mixed emotions about. On one hand, we are in the middle of the fall which allows nature to display some of the most beautiful colors we see on the trees. On the other hand, it does symbolize that the old life departs for the winter, before new life begins in the spring.
November sometimes leaves me feeling empty inside because on this day, November 10, 1995, one of my Brothers passed away. Being young at the time, I sorta already had an understanding of death due to another family member passing away a year and a half prior. Selfishly, I miss him, however, at the same time, I understand he was only supposed to be around for 17 years. His football number was number 7, which the school decided to retire after his death. I have to admit, he’s the reason why Bone Thugs-N-Harmony is one of my favorite rap groups. Overall, though I didn’t have too much time to spend with him based on the the age difference, however, I do remember saying to both of my brothers all the time, “Shut up Marcus, Shut up Jodie.” I do appreciate the time, you allow me to come with you and your friends one particular day to hang out with you. Good Times Brother. I do hope I am able to see you again so I can tell you once again, “Shut up Marcus.” :)
On a positive note, This month is my 7th year of being a photographer. My first assignment was being invite to photography a music video shoot for local Columbus Artist FeeNix. It wasn’t a paid gig, however, it was an opportunity to get into photographing people. It was quite an exciting opportunity to be able to photograph a couple of pics of her because it would lead to where I am today as far as my photography work. I began to understand that while we can capture the memories of people and life into our minds, pictures are worth being able to go relieve a moment, opportunity or event. Humbly, I overall feel blessed to have this talent. I thank The Heavenly Father and Son for this gift. Overall each day, I look to improve myself and art.
I want to end this entry on a positive note. Enjoy life to the fullest, Do the things you want to do while you can. Most importantly, Enjoy your Sunday and week ahead.