Greetings All,
I hope you all had a great weekend. This weekend was an interesting positive life experience. I will say that it did start out bad, however, after a talk with someone, it turned out good in the end. I will share my experience about it, however, I will not say names. This is not a bashing blog. The most important lessons to take from all of this are to understand spirit, energy, and learn when to cut people off when they show you through their actions they're not interested in you.
It started 9 days ago when I inbox someone about a photo project I am working on. The person didn't respond back until 3 days later. The person was interested. After our conversation, I checked in with the individual the day before the shoot and nothing was exchanged. Then Friday the day of the shoot, I checked in to see if we were still on schedule to shoot and nothing was said or even read, however, the individual made a status update on FB. By that time, I was a bit annoyed because of the fact it only takes a second to reply to a message. By the evening, the individual blocked me. I was quite pissed at that point.
It was at that point, I spoke to a close friend about the situation and when I showed them the inbox, my friend concluded that based on the inbox, the person said they were interested but they really were not interested based on their one-sentence statement. Not to mention, we both concluded that even though its social media, a lot of people paint a picture of who they really are on social media and in real life. I am not saying that is the case for everyone because some can be whoever they want to be until you meet them, some will tell you who they are based on what they say, post, and some don't have time to devote to putting everything about them on social media. We concluded that based on the person, profile, they probably have been hurt a lot by people and may not know how to confidently say they are not interested in something. It takes courage to confront someone about something. the individual chose to run and not say they were not interested in participating in my project from the jump. The individual probably didn't understand that my proposal was for a photo shoot not trying to get with them by no means. Nothing in my conversation with the individual suggested that I was trying to hook up with the individual. For the record, if I want to get to know or date an individual, I will let it be known up front what I am looking for. I have no time for hidden agendas or use my work as a crutch to get with women.
At first, I was mad at the individual. But after my conversation with my friend about the situation, I felt bad for the individual for being put through so much in with men in her life and not having the courage to say up front, Thanks but I am not interested in the project. Sometimes we have the eye to see right through a person from the start. The answer is right in front of us, however, sometimes we try to force the door to open when clearly The Most High and Son wants the door closed.
This experience brings me to energy and spirit. I believe that it takes spirit and energy to make a connection. If the chemistry and vibe are positive, the connection will feel natural. It will not feel awkward or be forced. This does not mean everyone will be open at first. Some people take time for them to open because they are protecting their inner soul and everyone isn't worthy of seeing their most inner core. We should not chase after people or something who do not feel the same way.
Some people will say yes, just not hurt our feelings, however, actions speak louder than words. If their actions or putting you off all the time say otherwise, then it’s time to cut bait on them and move on. It makes no sense to lead someone on or give them false hope if you are not truly interested in something or someone. I do understand when someone says, "They need time to think about it or We'll see," that's totally okay. When someone makes those statements, it means they need to have a better understanding of what it is or the person before they make their final decision. Those statements can also mean in a nice way, "Not right now or I am not interested at this time." They can change their mind later though.
Timing also plays a critical role too. Based on where the individual is at this point in their life, the person or opportunity may be right, but the timing is wrong. If a person has their mind made up, they have courage and confidence enough to tell you yes or no. If they say no, thank them for their time and depart. No need to force it, if they are not willing to open for you. We should stop allowing our minds to go into a negative place if a person is not interested in you. We delay our opportunities when we stay upset at someone whose indifferent about us from the start.
Why continue to chase something or someone who does not share the same interest or lifestyles we have or want? Love and hate are strong emotions with similar behaviors. If you love something you will fight for it. If you hate something you will fight against it. If they have no love or interest for you, then why waste the time and energy fighting for them? We chase people who are indifferent about us sometimes. There is no love or hate there, however, they have no interest and do not want you to be a part of their life.
Life is like the stock market in a sense. When you make an investment, it’s a 50% chance of a return on the investment and a 50% chance you lose it. There is no need to get upset with someone if they are not interested. We made the initial investment not them. We must look at ourselves and say okay that's the way life goes. Life does not always go according to plan. We continue to strive forward. If someone wants you in their life, they will not hesitate to put you there. Don't worry about them not wanting you or to be a part of what you are doing, when there are plenty of people who will fight with you and be a part of you. Those people who are indifferent about you are not losing any sleep over their decision and neither should you. At the end of the day, we cannot make or force anyone to do anything. They have to make the decision through themselves and actions to commit to something.
Aside from that experience, I was booked to photograph a 70th Birthday party for a client on Saturday night which is also a fun, positive, and enjoyable experience. It was a good opportunity to network and be around people that were willing to allow me to capture her milestone. The experience felt natural, fun, and positive. As always, I appreciate anyone who allows me the opportunity to capture their inner soul, family, events or gatherings.
In closing, I will say put yourself first. Love yourself first. Choose your own path, journey, and happiness. Try to understand your spirit and energy. Once you do, it will become easier to figure out who's interested and not. The signs are always there, however, we sometimes ignore them and when we do, we only have ourselves to blame. That is okay too because we’re not bulletproof. We are supposed to go through the trials and tribulations daily. Just know and understand when it’s time to cut bait. Know how to connect with your spirit and energy, then it will be a little easier to see who’s for you and who’s not.
I wish you all safe journeys and a great week ahead.
Racquel loving her self.
London Mahogany will help and encourage anyone.
When Two Goddesses Link...
Follow the positive light.
Your heart will desire what it wants, however, If we are spirit first, then we must walk in Spirit.