Good Day Peeps,
I hope you all are doing well. Meet Jillie. Jillie is a self-taught artist based in Atlanta GA.
Becoming Jillie
Painting by Jillie.
Painting by Jillie.
The film poster of Stream It, starring Brian Luedtke and Cole Kiker.
When it comes to the streamline of making a short film, I realized that it takes a lot of help in order for a film to be successful. I also learned that it takes a community to help you grow as a person because you can’t go through life doing everything by yourself. I was honored to document the behind the scenes making of John Houzer’s short film, “Stream It.” John is a Video Producer, Editor, Graphic Designer, and Videographer based in Columbus, GA.
Greetings All,
I hope everyone is doing well mind, body, and soul. Today is a good day to keep speak on “Words”.
Words are powerful.
They can fuel us with knowledge or weaken our spirits. Our tongues are as sharp as a sword. We have to know when and when not to cut people with it.
Our words can lead people into a path of righteous or lead them astray.
We have to be sure of what to say and how we are saying our words too people, because the last thing we want to do whether it be intentional or not is to lead people down the wrong path with our words.
We must be extremely careful of what we say to people on social media as well. We can say all day, oh it’s just words behind a screen, they don’t have a meaning or emotion behind them. Well that can be true for some people, however, others may not take it lightly, perhaps take offense to our words or hurt them.
In closing, we have to think about what we are going to say before we say it. You never know what you say will either uplift or lead someone astray.
Our words can either feed someone positive thoughts to get through the day or negative energy that can hinder someone.
Greetings All,
I hope all is well and you are having a good weekend so far. I am not much of a person who can share my personal life outside of my work, however, today I will do something different. This post will not intentionally depress you as my goal is for you to leave this post feeling good about life.
November for me, is a month that I have mixed emotions about. On one hand, we are in the middle of the fall which allows nature to display some of the most beautiful colors we see on the trees. On the other hand, it does symbolize that the old life departs for the winter, before new life begins in the spring.
November sometimes leaves me feeling empty inside because on this day, November 10, 1995, one of my Brothers passed away. Being young at the time, I sorta already had an understanding of death due to another family member passing away a year and a half prior. Selfishly, I miss him, however, at the same time, I understand he was only supposed to be around for 17 years. His football number was number 7, which the school decided to retire after his death. I have to admit, he’s the reason why Bone Thugs-N-Harmony is one of my favorite rap groups. Overall, though I didn’t have too much time to spend with him based on the the age difference, however, I do remember saying to both of my brothers all the time, “Shut up Marcus, Shut up Jodie.” I do appreciate the time, you allow me to come with you and your friends one particular day to hang out with you. Good Times Brother. I do hope I am able to see you again so I can tell you once again, “Shut up Marcus.” :)
On a positive note, This month is my 7th year of being a photographer. My first assignment was being invite to photography a music video shoot for local Columbus Artist FeeNix. It wasn’t a paid gig, however, it was an opportunity to get into photographing people. It was quite an exciting opportunity to be able to photograph a couple of pics of her because it would lead to where I am today as far as my photography work. I began to understand that while we can capture the memories of people and life into our minds, pictures are worth being able to go relieve a moment, opportunity or event. Humbly, I overall feel blessed to have this talent. I thank The Heavenly Father and Son for this gift. Overall each day, I look to improve myself and art.
I want to end this entry on a positive note. Enjoy life to the fullest, Do the things you want to do while you can. Most importantly, Enjoy your Sunday and week ahead.
Coming together as One to paint Art in Seoul Korea. ©DSoul Fotography
Good Day to Everyone,
I hope that everyone is doing well. Today I will discuss something that is on my mind. I hope that his blog will inspire someone today. This will be a long read and I know some of you can take a few minutes out of your busy day to read what I have to say, you spend hours a day on your phone so you can least spend a few mins to read this post. It may help or save you some day.
In this journey call “Life”, we are responsible for our own actions. We come from all walks of life and take different paths in our lives. We come to and fro. We come into someone’s life for a season, while we spend a lifetime with another. Life would be next to impossible if we don’t have someone to give us a helping hand. I can only answer for me and say that I cannot do everything on my own nor I am capable of getting through life without help from someone. We are supposed to take care of our communities and neighborhoods. The environment we live in ultimately plays an influence on our lives. We should not treat our neighbors like strangers.
I do understand that all neighborhoods are not safe and bad, If you don’t like the neighbor you’re in, then find a better community to move too. Nothing is keeping you in that situation/environment or stopping you except YOU. If you want a better neighborhood to find a way to get out of that neighborhood.
I remember when I had to share a room with someone, I was always cordial and usually talk to them for a few minutes before we went into our own respective spaces. The last roommate I had was pretty quiet and in his own world. He did his thing and I did mine. I concluded that he’s not much of a talker. I only spoke to him when I saw him but rarely had a conversation with him. I didn’t feel uncomfortable or awkward around him however I realized that I had a roommate that wasn’t really social with me as my past roommates so that was a first. I am equally responsible for not communicating or extending an olive branch out to him more despite that he was quiet. I just didn’t get the outgoing or sociable vibe from him as I previously did with other roommates. Maybe that was just his nature I don’t know. I just felt like those 7 months, it seems like we were total strangers beside saying what’s up to each other. I never felt so cold or reserved towards a neighbor before. I did say that from here on out, I can not let this happen without putting effort to talk and get to know my neighbor.
Recently when I transition into a new phase in my life, I decided that no matter what, to the best of my ability, I will be cordial, speak and chat with my neighbors whenever I see them at least a few times a week. When I moved into my new place, I was totally free of a roommate, I have my own place and space. I also have neighbors. They’re up in age however they’re very friendly people and I’ve gotten to know them.
A few weeks ago when I was coming back one night to get something to eat which I waited later than usual which was good timing as well, when I pulled up into the driveway at my apartment complex, I saw my downstairs neighbor on the ground. It was wet from the rain earlier and she slips and fell down. She was conscious but was in pain. Her caregiver also arrived in time to help me help her get up on her feet. The weird thing was she has a little dog which she was letting out to take care of her business, however, the dog didn’t bark or alert others to come see what was going on. We helped her back in her place. She had a bit of a bump on her head however she was okay. Once I and her caregiver helped her back into her place and her caregiver would help her from there, I went back upstairs to my place for the night. The next day, when I was going to do some errands, she was outdoors walking her dog. I asked chatted with her for a few mins and she was doing better. She thanked me for last night and I went on my day after checking up on her.
Coming together as One to paint Art in Seoul Korea. ©DSoul Fotography
Today I didn’t expect this. Her caregiver came to my door and thank me for helping my neighbor that night and she gave me some chicken and chocolate as gratitude.
Now when I help people I don’t expect anything in return. I began to realize how important it is to take care of your village, be kind and cordial to your neighbors. We were who we are based on our community and environment. We are who we are based on the take in and give out.
To be best of my ability, I strive to be cordial, humble, and kind to people daily. They’re a part of my traits. These are not acts I put on during November & December then go back into regular programming of coldness and Me, Me, Me from January-Mid November. I am not a jolly holiday person. It’s not my style nor do I celebrate them. People should be able to speak and spread some love, charity, kindness, meekness, and support to our neighbors, brothers or sisters regardless of their color or ethnicity daily not just during the holidays. Most people will go back to their usual me, me, me, I, I, I and its a never ending cycle. If you’re going to be a caring and kind individual then strive to those traits daily. Don’t wait until Mid-November to December to put on kind acts. Some of us see through the phony acts. I challenge some of you to break the cycle and change your ways. Become more open and warm to your neighbors. Speak to your neighbors take a few mins out of your busy day to check and talk to your neighbors. If you can spend hours at a time on a phone then you should be able to speak to your neighbors for a few mins. You never know who they could be or how much of an influence/help they can be in your journey in life.
In closing, we are not only responsible for our own actions we are also responsible for taking care our community and look after our neighbors because we always need one another at some point and no way we can go through life alone. We must Learn to love, help, show meekness to thy neighbors.
Taken in Seoul Korea 2014 ©DSoul Fotography